Colatrella M.O
Next exhibition : September 11 – october 1, 2022 Geometric facets - Hexalerie, place du marché, 5 allée Sir FM Barrington Lynham, 78600 Maisons-Laffitte
M.O. Colatrella Artist
horses, animals and wildlife painter
Welcome on !
I’m a professionnal animal painter and photograph for thirty years. You’ll find all the information you need to know about my art, my experience, and how the process works.
For me, the classical portrait is the best way to show the character of animals. The photos are an important part of the work.
In addition to animal portraits, I realized studies on geometry for my book: ‘Dessinons des Chevaux – Editions Vigot’), I have looked at the way that art and mathematics often converge. The structural possibilities of the square have helped artists of all generations.
I want to show the relationship between nature and animals. Humans have a tendency to try to understand and control nature. Through my art, I want to focus on the beauty of the world and not on its disturbances. I sold my paintings all over France.
You can also see my paintings to sell on : artmajeur.comand my photographs on